Saturday, April 10, 2021

 Milestone Projects: Compilation

This post is a summary of each project that I've completed throughout the class. Each of these projects was really enjoyable, and I feel that I've learned a bunch throughout this course!

 Starting with the first project we did, here's a summary of the Objectified Response:

    For this project, our task was to take a look at Gary Hustwit's documentary Objectified, an investigation into the daily items we used and how they are manufactured. Our task was to re-invent an object that we engage with daily.

    For me, this meant reading and the way I bookmark my pages:  Whenever I need to bookmark my page, I tend to bend down the top corner ever so slightly to keep the page booked. Over time, this leads to a bunch of the pages in the book bent in a strange way, especially over a few readings.

To re-create and innovate the bookmark, I decided to add a new feature: a small arrow attached to the bookmark designed to help you mark precisely where you left off:

    This project was a great introduction to the class. I really enjoyed the documentary we watched, as it felt it genuinely influenced my outlook on the objects and the tools we interact with on a daily basis. 

    The greatest challenge for this project was learning the ins and outs of modeling, as this was our first assignment. I spend a lot of the time struggling with shapes and how to fit them together. Furthermore, I feel my concept was pretty successful! This bookmark is definitely something I would use in real life.

The next project we did was the Mesh Mashup assignment:

    This project was a delve into remix culture as we were tasked to combine at least two pre-existing objects and re-imagine them into our own concepts. First we conceptualized 10 different ideas and decided on one to take further. Then we rendered it in different programs until we had a final product.

    This project was definitely one of my favourite assignments of the class. I really enjoyed playing around with different lighting effects, especially playing around with different lighting effects to make the lava glow! I think the rendering was very successful, and was super enjoyable to learn.

    One of the difficulties I had with this task was applying different colours to the model itself. In one of the programs I figured out how to individually paint polygons to have them be different colours, but failed to translate it into the final version.

    (Solution for next time, credited to Bryan!: have two different Earths, one blue and one green. Because the land is slightly elevated from the water, I could size them in a way to have each part be a different colour/texture!)

Afterwards, we did our PaperCraft Object project:

    This project was by far the most unique project we did for this class! We were assigned to create objects that we were able to print out and fold, sort of like origami. After conducting some research on other artists that use paper, we did some practice by modeling 10 objects that we use in our daily lives, then later chose one object from our childhood that we would be pursuing. Mine was a stuffed bear from my childhood!

After creating our models in Rhino, we printed them out in real life to do a trial version:

This prototype version was very useful, as I learned a lot from this trial fold to apply to my final version.

    This project was really enjoyable, and I had a blast with the hands-on style. I felt that I had a lot of challenges, though the biggest one would be the stage where you're folding it in real life. A lot of my tabs felt small, and looking back on it I may have made my model a little too complex for myself.

    Regardless, I really enjoy the final project and love having this little guy on my desk! My favourite part of this project is definitely having the final version, as being able to handle it and feel it is super rewarding.

Our final project for this class was our Hybrid 3D Model:

This project was definitely one of my favourites, and was a great way to wrap up the class. Our first task was to create 6 different concepts of self-supporting objects before meeting with our partner to create a hybrid between each of our objects!

My concept:

Final hybrid between mine and Liro's objects:

    My favourite part of this task was being able to generate some concepts on paper. It was really refreshing to be able to draw some stuff out for this class! It was pretty fun coming up with the concepts themselves, and trying to find harmony between each object was challenging but enjoyable.

    The greatest challenge for this project would have to be the technical elements. Having to ensure the project would be properly printable was a little stressful, as there were a couple of restrictions you had to stay mindful of. Overall this project was awesome, and I'm really excited to see the final product all printed out!

    This class was really a joy to attend each week. Each project was the perfect amount of challenging and rewarding, and I've really learned some skills when it comes to 3D modelling. Each week's task brought something new and kept the activities fresh, while also leaving room to explore and learn.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for the awesome term!