Sunday, January 31, 2021

Finalization of Concept

    This week's task was to select one of the concepts generated from last week's assignment and expand on the idea through finalizing the piece in Meshmixer. After checking in with my classmates and receiving feedback for all of my concepts, I decided to go with the Earth being eaten. My peers felt that this concept had the strongest message behind it, and that it would be really cool to expand on the Earth being cut open.

    I chose to mash-up the Earth and a set of utensils that I found on Thingiverse on Tinkercad to create a new idea. My approach to remix culture was to take two unrelated objects and combine them together in order to create a new and meaningful message out of them. Through combining these separate items, I attempted to create a new relationship between them to represent and demonstrate the way in which our consumption is ruining our planet. 

    Below is the concept first tweaked in Tinkercad to include what the planet might look like when it was really cut open, and then images of the finished product in Meshmixer. I think the biggest struggle when it came to this project was figuring out how to colour each component in a neat manner. Overall this project was really fun and I had a great time exploring this concept!