Wednesday, March 3, 2021

PaperCraft Object Samples

    This week in class we were tasked to create faceted forms made from planar surfaces in Rhino. We then used the explode function and rotate3D to unfold the objects. I think the biggest challenges with this project for me is the steep learning curve. I found myself frustrated having to figure out the many commands Rhino requires you to use. This project was rewarding in it's own way, but was very difficult for me.

Here they are!

Concept 1:

I wanted to start with something simple, so I modeled this object after the chapstick that's always sitting on my desk.

Concept 2:

For this form I continued familiarizing myself with Rhino's planar forms, so I attempted a simple box. It's not modeled after anything specifically, but I imagine it as a cute paper planter.

Concept 3:

For this object I envisioned a small paper hat. It's modeled after one of my mom's hats that she enjoys wearing.

Concept 4:

For this concept I thought it would be funny to create a paper weight. I always keep dumbbells in my room, and thankfully these ones will be easier to lift!

Concept 5:

This form is modeled after my pencil case, and I use it every time I want to draw. I thought it would be cool to have a paper box that you could open and close, so I wanted to attempt a design for one.

Concept 6:

Of course I need a paper pencil to go with my paper pencil case as well! Pencils are my favourite tools to work with, and I always have one around. 

Concept 7:

For this form I wanted to try challenging myself. After looking around my room for more ideas, I decided to create my Etch A Sketch as well. This design was a difficult to pull off, but in the end I think it paid off!

Concept 8:

I wanted to continue challenging myself, so I decided to create the form of a hammer. The unfolded version became a little confusing, but I'm pleased with the outcome. I don't own a hammer, so I thought it would be useful to make one out of paper!

Concept 9:

The hammer and Etch A Sketch took me a while, so I decided to visit another simple form. This object is modeled after a flashlight. It's always important to keep one around in case of emergencies. I keep my emergency flashlight in my closet!

Concept 10:

For my final concept I decided to create a camera. This form is modeled after a camera I keep in my room and have used to take countless photos.

Although I found this assignment difficult, it was very rewarding. I felt I've become comfortable creating (and unfolding) planar surfaces in Rhino. My favourite part of this project was getting to see the form's unfolded version. It was so satisfying rolling it apart!
Thanks for reading!