Tuesday, March 9, 2021

 PaperCraft Objects: Printed Template

    This week, we were assigned to make one more faceted form in Rhino using planar surfaces. We were asked to recreate an object of importance from our childhood, so I decided I would recreate my old stuffed bear to print and fold into a paper version. This stuffed bear means a lot to me, and I've had it ever since I was small, so I wanted to recreate him for this project. I thought it would be super adorable to be able to have tiny paper versions of the bear and keep them on my desk! 

Here's the folded version in Rhino:


Here's the unfolded version:

I split the main model up into six parts: the head, the body, and four legs. Hopefully this makes it a little more simple to assemble when printed.
(top is head, bottom left is body, bottom right are four arms)

Here's the unfolded version after using the command Make2D.

This will be what I print to fold the object later! I made sure to leave out any tangent edges, and used a different linetype to distinguish between the parts you cut and the parts you fold.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed this project. It was fun constructing the model, it was something that was super unique and I'm glad I got to try it. I'm really pleased with my bear model and can't wait to try assembling it next week! Thanks for reading.