Saturday, April 3, 2021

3D Printed Hollow Form Object:
The Hybrid

    Over the past couple of weeks we have been working on our next project, a hollow, self-supporting object designed to be 3D printed. To start, we came up with 6 concepts to generate some ideas and get the ball rolling!

Here they are:

After meeting with my partner, Liro, he showed me some of the concepts he designed!
Here's some of his work:

After some discussion, we decided we would combine these two forms:

We chose these two forms because we each felt that these were the strongest out of each bunch, and that we could come up with some cool possibilities with such such two differing and unique objects!

It was one of my tasks to generate some possible concepts and directions we would take the mash-up of these two forms, so here's some sketches of possible combinations:

The next step was to start feeling out each form in Rhino, so Liro did some experimentation with 3D modeling some of the concepts:

We agreed that the middle form was the coolest representation of each object, so we decided to move forward with it! After taking the object into PrusaSlicer, it turns out the object was already perfectly printable!

Here's our final product:

    In order to mash-up our objects, we decided to utilize separate elements from each concept and combine them in order to create a brand new object that represents both of the originals. We chose to use the overall shape and silhouette from object #1, while also bringing in the organic curves and smooth planes from object #2. 

    We chose to move further with this concept because we felt that it had the strongest combination of elements from each object, and was the most appealing form from our mash-up concepts. This project was really fun, and was an awesome project to end the class. I'm pretty happy with the end result, and anxious to see the object printed in real life!

Thanks for reading!