Sunday, March 14, 2021

 PaperCraft Objects: First Prototype

    After printing out and assembling my bear model from last week, it was time to put it together! I learned a lot from this first prototype and understand a lot better how to further improve my model and make it more simple to assemble. For next week, I want to focus on improving my model in several ways:

While printing the model out on paper, I think it would be a lot easier to assemble on a larger scale. Next time I'll print out the legs, head, and body on separate sheets of paper so I can make each component larger. While assembling my first prototype, I had issues handling and manipulating several parts of the model since they were so small.

Tabs!! I forgot to add tabs. Before printing out my model once more, I'll edit the template to add tabs. This will allow me to construct the model neatly. Since I forgot tabs, I had to construct the bear using tape (which came with it's own difficulties). Adding tabs for next week will allow me to assemble the object neatly and with glue this time!

Overall, this project was super fun! It was really rewarding to assemble the first prototype of this project. Even though it's a little messy and didn't quite come together the way I was hoping, I think the improvements I have in mind will help bring it to a clean and satisfactory level.

Progress shots: